The plan recommended by the pool committee.
City of McCook
McCOOK, Neb. The McCook Swimming Pool Committee will recommend to the McCook City Council a design for a new pool, at the regular council meeting Monday, 5:30 p.m., at city council chambers at the Municipal Building.
Earlier this year, the council closed the city swimming pool for the summer, citing safety concerns to employees due to aging equipment.
The McCook Swimming Pool Committee met Tuesday and the majority voted for a revised version of Concept 3 at $6 million. For cost savings and to provide competitive swimming lanes that could double as a large free swim area, the committee recommended eliminating the slide feature.
Also on the regular agenda, the council will be asked to deny a request from Scott Snyder to purchase property in Kelley Creek owned by the city. According to the city managers report for Mondays meeting, a 15-inch sewer main that collects a large amount of sewage runs through the property and theres concern that if the property is sold, access to the line would be hindered.
Other items on the regular agenda include:
-Approve the emergency purchase, bypassing the usual bidding process, of a used, commercial 4 by 4 brush truck for the fire department at $57.750, due to supply chain issues. With the recent wildfires, it has become an immediate priority to add additional apparatus to the citys fire department to meet the demands the community may need, according to the city managers report. This truck can pump water while navigating areas inaccessible to current firefighting apparatus. The truck will be paid for with $40,429 from the Health Resources and Services Administration Provider Relief Fund (HRSA), with the rest of the funds coming from the city budget under the Fire Apparatus Replacement account.
— Select a date for a joint meeting of the council and the McCook Planning Commission to discuss potential annexation with property owners who live south of McCook Industrial Park, along Ravenswood Road and property owners adjacent to West Third Street, north of West Second.
–Discuss and approve the 2022-23 budget schedule
— Hear an update from McCook City Attorney Nathaniel Mustion on the ongoing discussions concerning a regional land bank.
Items on the consent agenda can be approved in one motion, unless pulled by a council member, city staff or a member of the public for a separate discussion/vote the council. Consent agenda items for Monday are:
– Declare the listed abandoned and unclaimed vehicles and property as surplus city property to be disposed of in the appropriate legal manner;- Authorize Great Plains Communications to occupy city right-of-way for the installation of underground fiber optic cable and eight flush-to-the-ground vaults, beginning approximately 192 feet west of the intersection of East 4th Street and East D street; then moving east along East D Street to the alley between East 6th Street and East 7th Street; then moving south down allay to East C Street; then moving east along East C Street to East 11th Street; then moving north on East 11th Street to an existing vault and south on East 11th Street to the alley between East B Street and East C Street; then turning east down the alley to East 13th Street to an existing vault and authorize the Mayor to sign the Application to Occupy Right-of-Way- Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the 2022-2023 contract with West Central Nebraska Area Agency on Aging (WCNAAA) for the purpose of defining and specifying the separate and mutual responsibilities of each in the management, operation, support, monitoring and evaluation of the McCook Heritage Senior Center.
-Approve three applications for special designated liquor licenses submitted by the following: Citta Deli for two events: a fair concert at Red Willow County Outdoor Arena & Grandstands on Friday, July 22, 2022, from 9 a.m. – 1 a.m., with an alternate location of the Alice Kiplinger Building, 1412 West 5th Street; and for Farrells Sip n Shop event at Farrells Hallmark Shop, 116 West B Street, on Friday, July 8, 2022, from 1-8 p.m.; and from HoJos Hideaway for a wedding reception at the McCook Municipal Auditorium, 302 West 5th Street, on Saturday, July 9, 2022, from 5 p.m. to 12 a.m.
The meeting will begin Monday night with a public hearing for a report from the May 23, 2022 meeting of the Economic Development Plan Citizens Advisory Review Committee.
Two closed, executive sessions are planned at the end of Mondays meeting. One is for collective bargaining concerning the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 57, the union of the citys police officers. The second is for a strategy session on litigation for a notice of appeal from SBA Towers IV, LLC, on the special exception the council gave to Parallel Infrastructure for a telecommunications tower.