Once again, even though I know better, those four little words, often uttered in the throes of a home remodel, got me: As long as we’re, remodeling the kitchen, let’s update the guest bathroom! Yeep! That innocuous little phrase, as long as we’re, and its falsely implied convenience, also masquerades […]
Over the years, I have interviewed hundreds of designers, and have often asked them this same question: What makes you cringe when you walk into someone’s home? While I expect them to say something like bad taste, too much clutter, no sense of proportion, universally, their answer is this: Lack […]
Anyone who has spent a summer in Louisiana knows that the heat is next level. Rather than heading outdoors for the summer, many folks end up spending the majority of the dog days either in a swimming pool or indoors, safe within the confines of air conditioning. Beyond keeping the […]